Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's a gay day for us all

Thus far, I haven’t posted much. It may surprise some of you because I’ve never been shy about my strong conviction that LGBT people are equals and deserve the same rights as everyone else. Today I’ve see people celebrating in their different ways. Some shower the world with more information (or simply interesting reads that are somehow related to the subject), some show quiet support with an image, some silently celebrate. I was, more or less, quietly celebrating this victory. It’s a historical moment, so while I’m ecstatic with the news and the development that may influence future change across the country, I’m also quietly absorbing the monumental day this represents. One day, I hope my children will read about this Supreme Court decision and ask me, “But…why weren’t gay people allowed to get married??” I hope the concept will be alien to them. I hope the hate and bigotry we see today will baffle them and inspire love and tolerance.

Today is sad too, though. Despite the rampant celebration, I still see those who are disgusted. It breaks my heart to think that someone can have so much hate for the gay people I love that they actually think gay marriage is akin to Earth’s self-destruction. It irks me to the core knowing that people are so set in their own ways that they expect all other citizens of this great nation to adhere to their personal belief structure.

Well, you know what? I don’t believe it’s a sin to be gay or straight or bi or transsexual. I don’t believe it’s a sin to have sex. I don’t believe it’s a sin to say bad words. I don’t believe it’s a sin to have bad thoughts. I believe that if there is a god (honestly, there could be or couldn’t be, I can’t claim to know the answers), that higher power doesn’t care about those things.

Are you living a good life? Are you kind to people? Do you try your best to treat people like they are your equals despite differing social status, sexual orientation, religion, skin color, preference in sandwich meat? Yes? Then you’re probably good. And I probably like you.

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